Below is a list of documents and specifications relating to the preservation of barns, from a variety of sources including the National Park Service and the General Services Administration.
- Barn Repair Recommendations by NYSBC member Rick Lazarus
Adaptive Reuse
General Barn Preservation
- Taking Care of Your Historic Barn (Recomendations from the Vermont SHPO)
- Preserving Old Barns (a book by University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension)
- NPS – Brief #10: Exterior Paint Problems on Historic Woodwork
- NPS – Tech Note: Exterior Woodwork: Proper Painting and Surface Preparation
- NPS – Tech Note: Exterior Woodwork: Paint Removal from Wood Siding
- GSA Spec: Surface Preparation For Painting Wood
- GSA Spec: Primers And Paints For Wood
- NPS – Brief 9: The Repair of Historic Wooden Windows
- GSA Spec: Repairing Weather Checks In A Wood Window Sill
- NPS – Brief 4: Roofing for Historic Buildings
- NPS – Brief 19: The Repair and Replacement of Historic Wooden Shingle Roofs
- NPS – Brief 30: The Preservation and Repair of Historic Clay Tile Roofs
- GSA Spec: Replacing Loose, Broken Or Missing Clay Roof Tiles
- NPS – Brief 29: The Repair, Replacement, and Maintenance of Historic Slate Roofs
- GSA Spec: Reroofing Using Slate Shingles
- GSA Spec: General Information On Slate Shingles
- GSA Spec: Sources For Roofing Slate
- NPS – Brief 2: Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings
- GSA Spec: Preparing Lime Mortar For Repointing Masonry